Knowledgeable Representation When Facing Foreclosure
Unfortunately, we can’t always predict our financial future. Before you know it, you may be facing some difficult decisions. If you are facing a foreclosure, you need an attorney who will stand by your side. At Mckenna, Dupont, Stone & Washburne, we have over 100 years of combined legal experience helping clients throughout New Jersey.
We Help Both Creditors And Debtors
Our firm represents both debtors and creditors in foreclosure cases. From your credit score to your chances at quickly owning a home again, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. While it is possible to avoid foreclosure, it can be difficult. We will look at your case and determine whether or not this is possible. If so, we will do everything in our power to help.
We are a judicial foreclosure state, which means that the lender must go through a formal court process in order to repossess a home. There are a number of steps that must be taken. Most importantly, the very first thing a lender must do is send the homeowner a notice of intention to foreclose. This is sent at least 30 days, but no more than 180 days, before a complaint with the court is filed.
While we help debtors through foreclosure, we also help creditors. If you are not being paid, you have rights. You are entitled to a share in any distribution from a bankruptcy case, depending on the priority of the claim. You also can be heard in court as well as challenge the debtor’s case. Together we will work toward getting you your payment.
Time Is Of The Essence; Call Now
You need a firm that will honestly assess your case and find you the best possible solution. Don’t face this complicated legal system alone. We are here to help you when it matters most. Contact our office in Red Bank today at 732-889-3141 or fill out our online contact form.